
The transformation of mind, perception and body is the goal we will achieve through practical experience and energy work. You will soon become aware of your inner and physical strength, the serenity and fullness of your spirit.

Healthy body

Cleansing on different levels and energy bodies.

Calm mind

What do you need? Mindfulness & loving interaction

Spiritual Pratices

What helps you and your energies to understand?

Relations & Energy

What happens to us and our energies?


Energy services und workshops

Energy services


Chakra work


Energy cancellation and transformation


Meditation with singing bowls


Studying the energies


Incense the environment and rooms


Aura camera and aura healing


Reiki and Thaimassage


Healing effect with crystals

The Game of noncoincidence

Imagine there is a game that tells you the truth and looks into you like a mirror. Find out what the universe wants to tell you and transform yourself into your better self!

The "Game of noncoincidence" is an exciting Bulgarian board game that can be used by anyone to gain a deeper understanding of themselves. It is a process that can free players from the illusions and burdens they carry around with them. It is a process of self-discovery through the Inner Guide. As for the path... it's filled with non-random challenges, realisations, overcoming obstacles, but also hugs, laughter, playfulness and whatever else you create!

Das Spiel des Nicht-Zufalls Stell Dir vor, es gäbe ein Spiel, das dir die Wahrheit sagt und wie ein Spiegel in dich hineinschaut. Finde heraus, was das Universum dir mitteilen möchte und verwandle dich in dein besseres Selbst! Das "Spiel des Nicht-Zufalls" ist ein spannendes bulgarisches Brettspiel, das von jedem genutzt werden kann, um ein tieferes Verständnis von sich selbst zu erlangen. Es ist ein Prozess, der den Spieler von Illusionen und Lasten befreien kann und der Selbstentdeckung durch den inneren Führer. Herausforderungen werden nicht zufällig gestellt, Einsichten werden klar und Hindernisse werden überwunden. Deine Mitspieler kannst du umarmen, mit ihnen lachen oder weinen und die Vergangenheit los lassen.


Aura camera & aura healing , study and understanding of your energies

It is really important to get to know yourself and your own aura. Because only when we know ourselves well can we accept ourselves as we are, with all our strengths and weaknesses. This is a wonderful path to inner peace and harmony. The word “chakra” has an ancient origin and stands for the wheel of life. If a person has a blocked chakra, this affects the physical organs and an area of life in which they have difficulties.

On a subtle energetic level, the first step is to become aware of the problem. When we become aware of something, we can change it. We just need to start making the right choices for ourselves.

Energy cleaning & transformation

Quantum healing consists of various modules for clearing, releasing, realigning, activating and protecting certain parts of the energy system and the body.

  1. Module – diagnosis with aura camera, ying-yang balance, dependencies on energy losses, external influences and self-protection.
  2. Play “the game of noncoincidences” for self-knowledge and to detect blockages and resistances.
  3. On an energetic level, you clear and free your energy system and achieve harmony and balance within yourself.
  4. Healing sounds of singing bowls, shamanic drums and crystals during meditation support the transformation.
  5. Support through Reiki energy or Thai-energy-massage with removal of stressful energies.


Thai oil and energy massages

I have developed my massage technique myself over the years and combine the classic Thai oil massage with my energy massage. After a preliminary consultation, we get the muscles and energy flows moving again in the areas of physical discomfort using gentle and stronger stroking movements, pressure point massage and energetic healing methods. In the blockage centers, I remove disruptive energies and bring the body and the energy fields back into harmony.

Reiki treatment

Reiki is an alternative healing method originating in Japan that utilizes a universal life energy that flows through the entire body and influences well-being. During a Reiki energy treatment, hands are gently placed on or over the recipient’s body to channel the energy and release blockages.

Workshop - Deepen the relationship

How do we harmonise as a couple?

We would like to offer you a safe and calm space in which you can consciously get in touch with your body, your heart and your feelings and share them in your partnership.

Have you ever wondered how energies actually flowing in a relationship? Why we sometimes react this way and not otherwise? What issues are still open and hopefully welcome? What is blocking us? What experiences from the past still affect our behaviour?

How can we break these patterns and leave them behind? What will the change bring us?

Only through our own understanding and opening up to the energies is it possible to feel more deeply connected to our partner.

Cheese & Love Mancircle Fordere dich heraus! Komm mit auf eine Reise ins Unbekannte und wir werden echte Herausforderungen in Bezug auf innere Stärken und Schwächen erleben und herausfordern. Jeder ist eingeladen, seine innere Welt in einer Atmosphäre der Unterstützung und des Austausches zu erforschen. Eines der Hauptziele dieses Männerkreises ist es, mehr Klarheit und emotionale Unterstützung für persönliche und zwischenmenschliche Probleme zu finden. Sichere Sharing Umgebung mit offener Gesprächsrunde Austausch über Erfahrungen Beziehung / Liebe / Sex / Gefühle / Partnerschaft Wünsche / Fantasien besprechen Achtsamkeit und Methoden der Beruhigung

Cheese & Love Mancircle

Challange yourself

Come with us on a journey into the unknown and we will experience and challenge real challenges in terms of inner strengths and weaknesses. Everyone is invited to explore their inner world in an atmosphere of support and sharing. One of the main goals of this men’s circle is to find more clarity and emotional support for personal and interpersonal issues.

  • Safe sharing environment with open discussion
  • Exchange about experiences
  • Relationship / love / sex / feelings / partnership
  • Discuss desires / fantasies
  • Mindfulness and methods of calming down

Incense burning

rooms and aura cleaning

Incense burning is an ancient tradition that is practised in various cultures around the world. It involves burning special herbs, woods or resins to create a pleasant atmosphere or to dispel negative energies and cleanse one’s aura.

The choice of incense often depends on personal preference and the intended goals of the incense burning. Popular incense substances include white sage, lavender, cedar wood, frankincense and palo santo.


Workshops and Events

19:30 - 21:30 FR / SA at OM-Center
Registration via our contact form
Individually by arrangement at your location / in the OM Center / online
Registration via our contact form
19:00 - ca 22:00
Sunday 29.09.2024 @ Om-Center

our Shop

Some products from us and our friends.

Energy cleaning & Transformation * Encounter in your heart * Calm your mind *

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