About the game

Imagine there was a game that would tell you the truth and look into you like a mirror. Find out what the universe wants to tell you and transform into your better self! The “Game of Non-Coincidence” is an exciting Bulgarian board game that anyone can use to gain a deeper understanding of themselves. It is a process that can free the player from illusions and burdens and lead to self-discovery through the inner guide. Challenges are not faced at random, insights become clear and obstacles are overcome. You can hug your fellow players, laugh or cry with them, and let go of the past.

The game can be played alone or with up to seven other players. Milena will guide you through the game and answer all your questions. If you live too far away, you can also arrange an online appointment.

Stell Dir vor, es gäbe ein Spiel, das dir die Wahrheit sagt und wie ein Spiegel in dich hineinschaut. Finde heraus, was das Universum dir mitteilen möchte und verwandle dich in dein besseres Selbst! Das "Spiel des Nicht-Zufalls" ist ein spannendes bulgarisches Brettspiel, das von jedem genutzt werden kann, um ein tieferes Verständnis von sich selbst zu erlangen. Es ist ein Prozess, der den Spieler von Illusionen und Lasten befreien kann und der Selbstentdeckung durch den inneren Führer. Herausforderungen werden nicht zufällig gestellt, Einsichten werden klar und Hindernisse werden überwunden. Deine Mitspieler kannst du umarmen, mit ihnen lachen oder weinen und die Vergangenheit los lassen. Das Spiel kann alleine oder mit bis zu sieben Mitspielern gespielt werden. Milena begleitet dich bei allen Schritten und beantwortet dir alle deine Fragen. Wenn du zu weit entfernt wohnst, kannst du auch einen Onlinetermin vereinbaren.



An unforgettable journey of self-awareness and healing I have to admit that I was initially very skeptical about the content of the game, as I am not normally a big fan of games. But what I experienced with the “Game of Non-Fandom” deeply impressed me and far exceeded my expectations. This game is much more than an ordinary board game. It has proven to be a powerful revelation that has opened my eyes to deeply hidden feelings and unresolved issues. Through the targeted challenges and insights that the game revealed to me, I was confronted with aspects of my past that had been weighing me down for a long time. These issues, which had lain dormant deep in my subconscious, came to light in a way that helped me to finally process and release them. The game got to the heart of the matter and gave me valuable pointers on how to deal with these old burdens. What initially seemed like a simple game turned out to be a profound journey of self-discovery and inner healing. It is as if the universe spoke to me through the game to show me the way to a better self. I can recommend this game to anyone who is ready to truly meet themselves and grow beyond illusions. It is a unique experience that is not only fun but can also be deeply transformative.

customer advisor

Sunny Grogorova

I loved playing this game. It was a spiritual adventure, where I met myself in like a mirror and got answers from my higher self. I discovered my fears and what blocks me, and at the same time saw my strengths. I got clarity on my path ahead... and all this while having a fun time and playing. Such a powerful and unique way to connect with you soul and deepest knowing!

Yoga Teacher

Julia Sabeva

Thank you, Milena, for the coincidence that on a wonderful day the universe met you and gave me the amazing opportunity to play the "Game of Coincidences" with you! You expanded my world view and showed me the right way forward. I realized the things that lurked deep within me, but everyday life and routine somehow blurred them and were just waiting for some space to open up for them to surface. It gave me understanding and insight into the whole picture. Now I am relaxed, of course, and open minded. Miracles have started to happen 🙂 You are a wonderful facilitator! Thanks also for the support I received after the game was over. It is the most wonderful gift one can give oneself.🙏♥️🫶

Yoga Teacher for kids


Inspiring, touching. You discover something new within yourself when you embark on this journey. It is an experience that reaches deep inside, opens up new perspectives and reveals hidden sides of ourselves. A lot of things have come true. At the moment I'm going through the difficult time of breaking off.



When Milena mentioned the game of no coincidences, it is a wonderful constellation, in the form of a game. As fun as it is profound. Everything in the field is shaded, including who is standing next to you or across from you. I was amazed at how much detail came out of some of my habits and complexes that only I know. Milena is able to explain the game and its conditions and rules in detail in a very good way, as if she stepped into the universal role of the commander in this game. What has happened and continues to happen is another care of the higher powers that help us to grow and go forward with less baggage and more lightened. Thanks for everything! ...we play merrily without getting carried away ... up-down-sometimes we run... 😉




IN "THE MIRROR" we look around us and encounter our inner world. We look at patterns, fears, illusions, their manifestations and causes. We open up various possibilities for transformation and connect with our personal source of strength



By clearing the mind and gaining clarity about the connections between our inner and outer worlds, we prepare ourselves to go deeper and meet "THE PATH" - the second circle. Here the adventure leads us to the virtues of truth, justice, love, wisdom and virtue.



We go through their challenges, we are enriched with new perspectives, possibilities and qualities. But what good are they if we don't put them into practice? And so we meet the third round - "THE LIFE".

The 5 sectors of self knowledge

Orange sector - What do I fight against?
This sector shows the things towards which we have inner resistance - our models, fears, illusions, traumas.

Red Sector - Where does it manifest?
This sector shows how and where those things from the previous sector manifest in our lives.

Blue Sector - What are the reasons?
This sector shows the causes of the things that we are experiencing from the previous two sectors, and the lessons that we need to learn.

Yellow Sector - How to transform the situation?
This sector shows us the appropriate methods for transforming the things we resist and for integrating the lessons that our consciousness is undergoing.

Green Sector - What gives me strength?
This sector shows our source of personal strenght - the ways in which we receive strenght and inspiration.

Challenge cards
During the game you will come across various challenges that will help you connect better with yourself and with other players.

We offer regular appointments to play. Please register using the contact form or directly in the event calendar on the respective advertised date.

Energy equalization on a donation basis.

Minimum amount for playing 50.- CHF / with tarot 111.- CHF

Please book your place through our webshop.

Contact form & Book tickets

Kontakt Game (#5)
