Thai-Öl und Energiemassagen Meine Massagetechnik habe ich über die Jahre selbst entwickelt und kombiniere dabei die klassische Thai-Ölmassage mit meiner Energiemassage. Nach einem Vorgespräch bringen wir in den Bereichen der körperlichen Beschwerden die Muskeln und Energieflüsse wieder durch sanfte und stärkere Streichbewegungen, Druckpunktmassage und energetische Heilmethoden wieder in Bewegung. In den Blockadezentren entferne ich störende Energien und bringe den Körper und die Energiefelder wieder in Einklang.

Thai oil massage with energy cleansing

Activate energy flows and remove energy blockages from the body


I have developed my massage technique myself over the years and combine the classic Thai oil massage with my energy massage. After a preliminary consultation, we get the muscles and energy flows moving again in the areas of physical discomfort using gentle and stronger stroking movements, pressure point massage and energetic healing methods. In the blockage centers, I remove disruptive energies and bring the body and the energy fields back into harmony.

During the treatment, it is crucial that we pay attention to your body together. This is because existing injuries, stuck emotions and traumas that have accumulated and become trapped in your life to date can be released.

Thai oil massage


The Thai oil massage combines the techniques of traditional Thai massage with the use of high-quality oils to relax body and mind. Gentle, flowing movements release tension and promote blood circulation. I use two different oils or shea butter, which you can choose before the massage begins. The oils also have a calming and revitalizing effect on the skin. I can also use essential oils if there is a lot of tension. This type of massage is ideal for people who are looking for both physical relaxation and mental clarity. Most clients feel refreshed and energized after the treatment, ready to tackle everyday life with renewed energy.

Reiki energy treatment


Reiki is an alternative healing method originating in Japan that utilizes a universal life energy that flows through the entire body and influences well-being. During a Reiki energy treatment, hands are gently placed on or over the recipient's body to channel the energy and release blockages.

a Reiki promotes deep relaxation, which helps to reduce stress and tension. This relaxation leads to a general improvement in well-being.

a Reiki can help to reduce the sensation of pain in acute injuries or chronic illnesses and accelerate healing, as it also stimulates the body's own healing processes.

a Reiki can help to release emotional blockages and process negative emotions such as fear, sadness or anger. This leads to a feeling of inner peace and emotional balance.

a Reiki promotes relaxation and stress reduction. This can strengthen the immune system and promote general health.
a Reiki helps to balance the flow of energy in the body. Blockages in the energy system can lead to physical or emotional complaints. These blockages can be released with Reiki.
a Spirituality and awareness: Many people experience a deeper connection to their inner self or a spiritual experience during a Reiki treatment, which leads to personal growth and self-awareness.

book massage appointment

Please take some time to rest after the treatment.

Buchung Massagetermin