Quantum healing process


We offer you a universal method to completely energetically clear your physical and subtle body and the associated energy systems. To free you from external interference structures and parasitic connections and entities on all levels and bodies and to build a complete and lasting energetic protection that includes various healing and growing, which are summarised under the common name Healing Energy Complex.

The ultimate goal is to positively shift your life and reality on a quantum level by unlocking the potential of your DNA to raise your vibration and support your process of inner clearing and awareness. Parallel to the clearing, a process of soul integration often occurs, which releases many things and reveals new paths and desires.

In addition to this complex, we offer to heal your relationship with yourself. This harmonisation with your own relationship supports you in the energetic cleansing of inner and outer spaces, helping to purify the places where you work, live, rest or invest, including any interference from negative energies.

Diagnosis and analysis with the aura camera


Knowing about one's own aura and chakras is important because it helps us to get to know ourselves better and to accept ourselves as we are, with our strengths and weaknesses, which is a path to inner peace and harmony.

Each chakra is examined in detail to find the reasons for its under- or overactivity and to provide recommendations for balancing it. The word “chakra” is ancient and represents the wheel of life. When a person has a blocked chakra, it affects the physical organs and an area of life in which he or she experiences difficulties.

On a subtle energetic level, the first step is to become aware of the problem. When we become aware of something, it is no longer beyond our control and we gradually begin to make the right decisions for ourselves.

Allows you to view your aura to assess the size, density, integrity, clarity and color brightness and check how strong you are energetically.

Diagnose the balance and activity of your chakras and find out how to harmonize stressed or blocked energy centers.

Understand your yin-yang balance and bring the energy system between male and female energy into the right proportion.

Do you have energy protection against possible energy losses and unwanted external influences?

Determine your level of spiritual development to find out how great your potential is and what degree of realization it has.
Assessing the influence of external factors on your physical, mental and energetic state.
Recognize the interdependence between your emotional and physical health.

Recognize possible reasons for your frustration and failures and find new sources to increase your energy level.

Understand in depth which qualities, strengths and aspects you want to work on and how you can improve them.

Learn how your mental attitude can have a positive effect on your aura and how it can change.

the game of noncoincidence


Hello adventurer! Imagine there is a game that tells you the truth and looks into you like a mirror. Find out what the universe wants to tell you and transform yourself into your better self!

One will find that there are no coincidences in his life and that all things are strictly mathematically determined....
"Beisa Duno"

The "Game of noncoincidence" is an exciting Bulgarian board game that can be used by anyone to gain a deeper understanding of themselves. It is a process that can free players from the illusions and burdens they carry around with them. It is a process of self-discovery through the Inner Guide. As for the path... it's filled with non-random challenges, realisations, overcoming obstacles, but also hugs, laughter, playfulness and whatever else you create!

Release & revitalization


Release and revitalization are processes that aim to increase vitality and energy, improve metabolism and promote harmonious balance on an energetic level. By clearing and liberating the energy system, blockages and obstacles that can limit full potential and impair well-being can be removed.

By focusing on releasing negative energies, thoughts and emotions, we can create space for positive change and growth. This can be achieved through various techniques such as meditation, energy work, breathing exercises and conscious self-reflection.

Similarly, revitalizing the energy system will restore and strengthen the vital life force to promote health and well-being. This can be supported by a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, stress management and nurturing relationships and social bonds.

Increasing vitality and energy helps to promote a sense of vibrancy, inspiration and joie de vivre. This makes it possible to experience life with more enthusiasm and meaning and to overcome challenges with greater resilience.

Together we will look at how we can promote harmonious balance on an energetic level to improve your balance between body, mind and soul.

Harmony & BALANCE

Meditation & Sounds


Restoring energy connections and activations at the level of the spiritual body and the higher self, we work together to achieve inner peace and calm as well as a positive outlook on life, confidence and optimism.

The easiest way to find this harmony and peace is through meditation. Meditation is an ancient practice that brings enormous benefits to the practitioner by opening the mind and strengthening the connection to the earth and the universe, releasing and healing energy blockages, expanding the light channel and raising the vibration.

We are happy to offer the following healing meditation for you:

Meditation in a hammock

with the sounds of tibetan singing bowls and shamanic drums

Tibetian Singing Bowls

Meditation with crystals

One of the unique abilities of crystals is the emission of a stable vibration that remains on a constant wave due to the structure of their crystal lattice. Are you ready to immerse yourself in the fabulous world of high vibrations?

Massages & Reiki - Therapy

Thai oil energy massages


We offer a combination of Thai massage and energetic Reiki healing techniques to maintain and restore your well-being on a physical, emotional and mental level. Our Thai massage loosens your muscles, while our Reiki healing technique uses gentle touch to reduce stress and anxiety and promote relaxation. Energy blockages in the organs are released and the flow of vital energy throughout the body is improved.

We have appointments available and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thai-Öl und Energiemassagen
Meine Massagetechnik habe ich über die Jahre selbst entwickelt und kombiniere dabei die klassische Thai-Ölmassage mit meiner Energiemassage. Nach einem Vorgespräch bringen wir in den Bereichen der körperlichen Beschwerden die Muskeln und Energieflüsse wieder durch sanfte und stärkere Streichbewegungen, Druckpunktmassage und energetische Heilmethoden wieder in Bewegung. In den Blockadezentren entferne ich störende Energien und bringe den Körper und die Energiefelder wieder in Einklang.